
Posts Tagged ‘bush beans’

I’m currently chowing down on a delicious lunch of beans and kale from the garden.  I’m washing it down with a drink I’ve made from Georgette’s homemade rhubarb ginger syrup.  This morning, Willis picked some peas, beans, kale, and calendula from the garden.  Afterwards, we took a trip to Garden Fever to pick up some fennel and onion starts and some leek seeds to get the Fall garden started!

July 11, 2009

The garden keeps getting better and better everyday. The lettuce, scallions, and kale are still producing, the sunflowers are starting to burst, and we’ve got tomatoes, cukes, potatoes, and carrots on their way.  We pulled up the garlic last weekend and they’re currently set up to cure in the basement.



And for good measure, here’s Peat and Bog enjoying their garden peas!

Peat and Bog


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